Layla Al-Naif
So happy to have Layla Al-Naif, holistic nutritionist , yoga instructor and creator of Glowing Within nutrition plans on the blog. Thank you so much Layla for your answers.
What are your bag essentials?
Being a mother now I hardly ever carry a bag, but what I throw in the stroller or my diaper bag is a hand sanitiser (non toxic of course), lip balm, my credit card and snacks for my daughter.
What is your favourite holiday destination?
My go to holiday destination has to be Los Angeles.
What is your perfect Saturday/Sunday?
My perfect weekend entails us getting to switch off a little and spend time with my husband and daughter, my weekends are a lot calmer than they used to be which I love!
What are you watching and/or reading at the moment?
I’m watching Your Honor which is quite intense but incredible, I’m reading Midnight Sun which is part of the twilight series and I’m hooked.
What is your dream 3 course meal?
My dream 3 course meal is anything from Japanese cuisine, specifically sushi related - it’s the only food I genuinely get excited to go and eat.
What easy eco-friendly swap do you highly recommend?
An easy swap has to be in the beauty department, it’s SO easy to find non toxic beauty in make up and skin care nowadays there’s no reason not to be using them!
OH MY GUM! in mint or cinnamon?
My favourite flavour has to be Mint, although I alternate between the two!
Mint Vibes
What should be our next flavour?
I love a citrus flavour, I think OH MY GUM! would make it work.